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Writer's picturedrdpshrestha

Ringworm, be aware of the wrong treatment

Ringworm is a fungal infection due to a group of fungi known as dermatophytes. It presents as a ring like, hence the name, circular rash with raised, scaly border, with the centre which seems to be resolving. The groins are the commonest sites affected, but any body site can be involved. It is one of the most common skin problems, nowadays seen in all climates and seasons.

Prevention tips

· Rinse sweat with water frequently. Keep the body dry, especially the folds – arm pits, sub mammary folds, groins, finger webs and toe clefts. You can use an antifungal powder in the folds.

· Wear loose, cotton clothings. And do not share them.

· Excessive use of soap does not help

Do not use creams containing steroids.

At first steroid creams seem to work well, as the rashes resolve. This falsely convinces the patient that it is an effective medication. But after stopping the application, the rashes flare, covering more area. Repeated applications and flare ups, worsen ringworm, making it very extensive and difficult to treat.


Ringworm is treated with antifungal creams and oral drugs. It is important to treat early and effectively.

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